cancer with a tumor suppressor gene mutation

Gain-of-Function Mutations in the Tumor Suppressor Gene p53.
Jun 15, 2000. The nature of mutated p53 tumor suppressor genes helps to illustrate why traditional forms of cancer treatment, such as radiation, are not.
Tumour suppressor gene mutations in humans and mice: parallels and contrasts. Martin L. Hooper1. Sir Alastair Currie Cancer Research Campaign.
In the present study we analysed the mutations in the p53 tumor-suppressor gene in 25 primary and 20 metastatic human prostate cancer specimens.
Somatic and germinal mutations of tumor-suppressor genes in the development of cancer. Sasaki MS, Kato M, Toguchida J, Yamaguchi T, Ejima Y, Ishizaki K.
Tumor Suppressor Genes - Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk.
p53 : The Most Frequently Altered Gene in Human Cancers - Nature.
Jun 15, 2000. The nature of mutated p53 tumor suppressor genes helps to illustrate why traditional forms of cancer treatment, such as radiation, are not.
Mutations in the p53 Tumor Suppressor Gene: Clues to Cancer.
p53 tumor suppressor gene mutation in ovarian cancer in Thai.
Mutation analysis of the putative tumor suppressor gene PTEN/MMAC1 in. Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New.
Loss of expression of the p16 tumor suppressor gene is more frequent in advanced ovarian cancers lacking p53 mutations. Havrilesky LJ, Alvarez AA, Whitaker.
This distinction allows a "two-hit" test to distinguish whether a mutant gene is an oncogene or a tumor suppressor gene: if both copies of the gene are altered.
cancer with a tumor suppressor gene mutation
Mutation analysis of the putative tumor suppressor gene PTEN.
Somatic mutations of von Hippel Lindau (VHL) tumor-suppressor gene have been identified in kidney cancers from North America and Japan. We studied VHL.
Spectrum of p53 tumor suppressor gene mutations and breast cancer survival. Lai H, Ma F, Trapido E, Meng L, Lai S. Department of Ophthalmology, Johns.
Cancer Res.. Hence, mutations of the tumor suppressor gene CYLD at 16q12- q13 may give rise to familial TE indistinguishable from the phenotype assigned.
J Med Assoc Thai. 2002 Jun;85(6):658-67. p53 tumor suppressor gene mutation in ovarian cancer in Thai patients. Neungton N, Neungton S, Leelaphatanadit C.